- Chi Siamo
- Servizi di brokeraggio
- I nostri prodotti
- Cauzioni & Fidejussioni
- Assicurazione dei Rischi tecnologici
- Assicurazione D & O (Directors & Officers)
- RC Professionali
- Pre-Cauzioni
- Team
- Contatti
Il nostro Gruppo è in grado di organizzare piani di riassicurazione facoltativi e proporzionali senza intermediazione.
Il nostro expertise sul mercato delle cauzioni ci consente di offrire supporto tecnico ai grandi clienti per costruire le loro coperture riassicurative ad hoc oppure alle compagnie/intermediari che intendono avviare la distribuzione di polizze cauzionali sul territorio Italiano.

“Per ogni rischio esiste un specifico “appetito” e l’intermediario ha il compito di ricercarlo”“Per ogni rischio esiste un specifico “appetito” e l’intermediario ha il compito di ricercarlo”
Gennaro Falzarano
International Accounting
We Cover 30+ Countries
Elate offers generous annual paid vacation accrual plus nine paid holidays per year. You’ve earned it, so take your time off and enjoy.
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We’re as committed to helping our people grow as we are to helping our customers. Our culture is very important to us.
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Focus on your Business
Provide time and tools that help our team members support the causes and community groups they care about most.
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“Elate is a perfect company that will provide supporting services in the financial and business industry. The business model includes a complex payment and reward structure.”
“Elate will establish affiliated companies that will offer mortgage products, title services, insurance products to consumers in Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana and Arkansas.”
“It’s been a pleasure to work with you guys. You guys have a great grasp in the business and financial consulting field and have been a strong advisor in investments. ”
“My Board of Directors has been especially pleased with elate Financial and business consulting timely and accurate financial reporting. The benefits…have been incalculable.”